Government Sponsored Programs

Government Sponsored Programs

Government Sponsored Programs: Carrying out any program on a national scale requires backing and funding. Especially programs which involve health care of citizens or programs which will help in improving the employment scenario of the country etc. have to be done on a national scale for the progress of the nation.

A government-sponsored program meaning:
Any activity or program which has been administered or which has been funded or has received the sponsorship of local, state or national government are known as government-sponsored programs. The aim of these programs is to make sure that the underprivileged people of the social benefit by way of better employment opportunities etc.

Government sponsored programs for small business:
Small businesses
and start-ups play a significant role in the development of the country. They have an impact on the economy of the country. It is also a means of improving the employment scenario of the country. Therefore, the government of India has tried to provide the required support by way of different programs for small businesses. Like the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has several financial schemes for the small-scale industry. These include direct and indirect assistance schemes, national equity fund scheme, equipment finance scheme, etc. The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector (NCEUS) mainly aims at making sure that there are employment opportunities in the unorganized sector. The Rural and Women Entrepreneurship Development (RWED) mainly focuses on women and the rural population.

Government sponsored programs for education:
The future of the country will obviously depend on the education that the young minds of the country receive. Therefore, the government of India has several Governments sponsored programs which aim at improving the literacy levels of the country, and they also aim at making sure that children and illiterate adults receive a proper education. One of the flagship programs is the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan which aims at providing elementary education to everyone irrespective of gender and socio-economic background. There are several schemes for the education of women in India as the National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Level or the schemes for the education of the disabled. The government, in order to encourage parents to send their children to schools, has introduced facilities like the mid-day meal schemes, free education, etc. There are also adult education and skill development skills which will help the downtrodden strata of the society to get an education.

The Government Of India has started several useful governments sponsored programs which are for the betterment of the society and the country. Every individual should take advantage of these wonderful schemes.

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