Credit cards have become a necessary convenience these days. As the trend of a digital market takes over, people are more inclined to pay through cards rather than pay cash. The size of the purchase does not matter when you pay with your credit cards and, therefore, you can use it for frequently needed things, like fuel or travel. You can obtain special credit cards from banks that make travelling in and around your city easier. These smart cards can also be used to purchase fuel from authorised fuel stations all over the country at a lesser price than when paying with cash.
Benefits of Auto/Fuel Credit Cards
These credit cards prove beneficial to those who have to go on long trips in their vehicles, either for leisure or for work. Waivers that they gain from buying fuel using Auto/Fuel Credit Cards save them a lot of money on their long drives.
- Enjoy waivers and discounts at all authorised fuel stations across the country when you fill up your car’s tank.
- Pay for you’re the metro and other transport mediums easily and also get free top ups from your bank to make travelling easier on the pocket.
- Stack up reward points by frequently purchasing fuel using your Auto/Fuel Credit Card.
- Use these reward points for shopping or for something else depending on what your bank allows.
- Avail discounts when shopping for something else than for travel and fuel, based on your bank’s policy.
- Forget about extra fuel costs when going for a long drive with your family and friends.
- Avoid the burden of carrying cash separately for frequent journeys.
- Find enjoyment on business trips as you do not have to worry about spending a fortune on fuel.
- Save yourself from the harassment of keeping track of fluctuating fuel prices and travel without hesitation.
List of Popular Auto/Fuel Credit Cards from Banks in India
Mumbai Metro SBI Credit Card
The State bank of India provides the Mumbai Metro SBI Credit Card to its customers in Mumbai. They can earn rewards every time they use this card in the Mumbai Metro. It is a travel card that also serves as a shopping card and gives users benefits such as the best deals, offers and extra rewards when they use it for shopping.
Features and Benefits
The benefits that this card makes available to its users have been listed below.
- Joining Offers: SBI customers who apply for this card for the first time get 2000 bonus points on spending Rs. 2000 within 60 days of activating their card. The points get transferred to their account within 60 days of their transaction. If they use the card for withdrawing cash from an ATM within 30 days of receiving it, they can earn a cashback of Rs. 100 too.
- Annual Fee Reversal: The annual fee of Rs. 499 for the next year is waived off for those who spend Rs. 75,000 or more with their SBI Mumbai Metro Credit Cards.
- Waiver of Fuel Surcharge: Purchasing fuel gets cheaper if the transaction ranges from Rs. 500 to Rs. 3000 as card holders get a waiver of 2.5% fuel surcharge. The maximum amount that can be waived is Rs. 100 in one statement cycle.
- Rewards: Using the SBI Mumbai Metro Credit Cards for Metro tickets, shopping for grocery and other purchases get customers 10X reward points. For every Rs. 100 spent, customers get 1 reward point.
- Utility Bills Payment: Electricity bills, telephone bills, and other regular payments can be made before their due date with the SBI Mumbai Metro Credit Card.
ICICI Bank Unifare Mumbai Metro Credit Card
Enjoy benefits of a credit card that doubles up as a Mumbai Metro Smart Card with the ICICI Bank Unifare Mumbai Metro Credit Card. Citizens of Mumbai can avail the convenience of multiple features of this card like auto recharge and travel discounts on the Metro. Other benefits include reward points that they can easily redeem for exciting gifts.
Features and Benefits
The benefits of using the ICICI Bank Unifare Mumbai Metro Credit Card have been given below.
- PAYBACK points: ICICI Bank has introduced a loyalty program called PAYBACK which is one of the most successful programs in the country. With its help, customers earn points every time they swipe this credit for any purchase anywhere. Every Rs. 100 spent gets them 2 reward points. An auto recharge of Rs. 100 earns them 4 reward points every time.Card holders can accumulate these points and use them for various lavish gifts, such as holidays, dining, fragrances, and much more. The Metro Miles feature that is available only with the ICICI Bank Unifare Mumbai Metro Credit Card is also a great option to spend the PAYBACK points on.
- Discounts in Dining: The customers who use ICICI Bank Unifare Mumbai Metro Credit Card and who love eating out can save a minimum of 15% on their bill when dining at top restaurants across the country.
- Fuel Surcharge Waiver: Users of this card can also avail 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver when transacting at HPCL fuel stations that have ICICI swipe machines. This benefit is available on transactions of up to Rs. 4000.
- Discounts when Travelling: Card holders can avail a discount of 20% each time they use the ICICI Bank Unifare Mumbai Metro Credit Card when travelling in the Mumbai Metro.
ICICI Bank Unifare Delhi Metro Credit Card
Why settle for just a credit card when you can get one that also serves as a smart card for your daily commute? The ICICI Bank Unifare Delhi Metro Credit Card does just that. It combines the features of both a credit card for shopping and as a smart card for travelling to bring users the best of both worlds. Discounts when travelling by Metro and the PAYBACK reward points system ensure that this card is everything a citizen of Delhi needs.
Features and Benefits
Have a look at the features that this card has on offer.
- PAYBACK: This reward points system has gained massive acclaim for the convenience it brings to the credit card holders of the ICICI Bank. Customers get reward points every time they use the card for any purpose. They earn 2 PAYBACK points for every Rs. 100 they spend and 4 points for every Rs. 100 they auto recharge with. They can redeem these points for exciting gifts and for Metro Miles.
- Annual Fee Waiver: When customers spend Rs. 50,000 or more with their ICICI Bank Unifare Delhi Metro Credit Card they get to save on the succeeding year’s annual fee.
- Waiver of Fuel Surcharge: Fuel transactions that are below Rs. 4000 get a fuel surcharge waiver of 2.5% at HPCL pumps. The fuel pump must have the swipe machine from ICICI Bank to avail this offer.
- Pre-Loaded Amount: Another benefit of getting this card is that it comes with a balance of Rs. 100 already in it so that it can be used instantly.
ICICI Bank Unifare Bangalore Metro Credit Card
Travelling to offices, schools, and colleges is hard work and even more so in cities like Bangalore where there are many people who commute in the same public transport. Metro rail makes travelling faster and easier but to end your commuting troubles you must use the ICICI Bank Unifare Bangalore Metro Credit Card.
Features and Benefits
This card brings the following advantages to the users who reside in Bangalore.
- Smart Card: Travelling in the Bangalore Metro that is known as the “Namma Metro” could not be easier as it is with the ICICI Bank Unifare Bangalore Metro Credit Card. It can be used for purchasing Metro tickets as well as like a normal credit card when shopping.
- PAYBACK reward points: The reward points under the PAYBACK scheme gets customers 6 points for every Rs. 200 they spend at any store in the country. International purchases are rewarded with 10 points for every Rs. 200 spent.
- Auto Top-up: You don’t have to wait to recharge this smart metro card as you get auto-tops whenever you run out of balance. If the balance on your card goes below Rs. 100 it gets recharged with Rs. 200 automatically.
- Fuel Surcharge Waived: Spend more than Rs. 401 at HPCL fuel pumps and get a discount of 2.5% surcharge.
- High Limits for Transactions and Withdrawals: Domestic withdrawal and transaction limits are Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 2 lakhs respectively. For International withdrawals and transactions the limit is set at Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 2 lakhs.
ICICI Bank HPCL Coral American Express Credit Card
If you have to take frequent long trips in your car then you must know how expensive fuel can be. Their prices fluctuate frequently which makes it even more difficult to keep an account of how much you are spending. With the ICICI Bank HPCL Coral American Express Credit Card you can enjoy many benefits that make fuel affordable and your journeys more enjoyable.
Features and Benefits
The ICICI Bank HPCL Coral American Express Credit Card comes with benefits as given below.
- PAYBACK rewards: Every transaction that you make grants you reward points according to the PAYBACK program from ICICI Bank. Get 6 reward points for every Rs. 100 spent on fuel at any HPCL Fuel pump. Accumulate 2000 points to get free fuel worth Rs. 500. Every transaction done for other purposes will get you 2 points per transaction.
- Cashbacks and Savings: Purchase fuel at any HPCL station and earn cashback of 2.5% and save 2.5% on fuel surcharges. You can earn up to Rs. 100 cashback by using your ICICI Bank HPCL Coral American Express Credit Card.
- Entertainment and Dining: Get a discount of Rs. 100 on movie tickets at This offer is valid for a limited number of seats so you must plan ahead. Save 15% when eating out at a number of restaurants in the country that partner with the ICICI Bank.
- Enhanced Security: There is a microchip embedded in the ICICI Bank HPCL Coral American Express Credit Card that secures you against frauds and counterfeiting.
ICICI Bank HPCL Platinum Credit Card
This card is a great way to earn great rewards and save brilliantly on every transaction. Fuel costs can get heavy on your pocket. None of that will happen anymore with the ICICI Bank HPCL Platinum Credit Card. It brings together the best of rewards and savings that make it simple for customers to keep a tab on their expenses.
Features and Benefits
Read on to know what this card brings to you that make things easier for you.
- Save on Fuel Surcharge: With the ICICI Bank HPCL Platinum Credit Card, you can enjoy a fuel surcharge waiver of 2.5% when you within Rs. 400 at HPCL fuel stations all over the country. The swipe machines have to be from ICICI Bank to make this possible.
- Rewards and Savings: get a cashback of 2.5% when you purchase at any HPCL pump in the country and avail a maximum of Rs. 100. Swipe your card in an ICICI swipe machine to get this offer.
- Discount on Entertainment: Get a discount of Rs. 100 by booking your movie tickets at You can enjoy this discount two times in a month and save up to Rs. 2400 in a year.
- Save When Eating Out: Use your ICICI Bank HPCL Platinum Credit Card to pay at top eateries in the country to make your dining experience better. The Culinary Treat dining program from ICICI Bank brings this offer to you.
- PAYBACK points: Like other ICICI credit cards this card also gets you more reward points on every transaction. Get 2X reward points with every Rs. 100 you spend. You get rewarded with 5 points on fuel purchases and 2 points on any other purchase. Collect 2000 points to get fuel worth Rs. 500.
ICICI Bank HPCL Coral VISA/MasterCard Credit Card
Don’t let the rising fuel prices derail you from going on the long drives you enjoy. Get anICICI Bank HPCL Coral VISA/MasterCard Credit Card that brings to you many options to save and earn rewards that make fuel costs affordable. Enhance your lifestyle with this initiative from ICICI bank that lets you save on fuel expenses.
Features and Benefits
A list of the benefits that this card brings to you has been laid down below.
- Cashbacks: Enjoy a cashback of 2.5% up to a maximum of Rs. 100 on fuel transactions at any HPCL fuel pumps.
- Fuel Surcharge Waiver: A 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver is applicable on transactions up to Rs. 4000 at every HPCL petrol pumps in the country.
- PAYBACK Points: Receive reward points faster with 2.5X points on every fuel purchase transaction at HPCL stations. Every other category purchase gets customers 2 points every Rs. 100 spent.
- Annual Fee Waiver: Spend Rs. 50,000 and more in a year to get the annual fee of Rs. 199 waived for the next year.
- Savings at Restaurants: Pay with the ICICI Bank HPCL Coral VISA/MasterCard Credit Card when eating at any top restaurant in India and get a minimum discount of 15%.
IndianOil Citibank Platinum Credit Card
Travelling long distances can be a gruelling experience if you don’t take the fuel expenses into account. You might end up spending a lot more than you imagined as fuel costs can be different for different regions. Save yourself a lot of trouble by using the IndianOil Citibank Platinum Credit Card
Features and Benefits
The IndianOil Citibank Platinum Credit Card brings to you a lot of options that help you to save on your ride.
- Waiver on Fuel Surcharge: Enjoy a fuel surcharge waiver of 1% on every fuel transaction.
- Turbo Points: Card holders earn 4 points for every Rs. 150 spent at the partner websites of Citibank. Grocery shopping at participating outlets gets you 2 points for every Rs. 150 up to a maximum of 67 points or Rs. 5000 in a month.
- Annual Fee Waiver: Spending more than Rs. 30,000 in a year leads to the waiver of the annual fee of Rs. 1,000 for the next year.
- Easy EMI: For purchases above Rs. 2,500, customers can break the bill into easy EMIs with just a click.
IndianOil Citibank Titanium Credit Card
An initiative of Citibank, the IndianOil Citibank Titanium Credit Card brings to you saving on fuels like never before. Get this credit card to earn fuel for free by redeeming points that you receive every time you make purchases using it. Other rewards await you when you apply for this card that has a lot to offer.
Features and Benefits
Rewards and savings make this card a must have for those who love travelling and shopping.
- Save on Fuel Bills: Fill up your tank at IndianOil stations to save 5% on your fuel bill.
- Turbo Points: With the Turbo points program you can earn more points on fuel purchases at Indian Oil fuel pumps. Get 4 points for every Rs. 150 spent on fuel. For every Rs. 150 you spend on groceries you earn 2 points and 1 point on other purchases.
- Instant Loans: get loans immediately without any hassles with the IndianOil Citibank Titanium Credit Card.
- Annual Fee Waived: Get your annual fee waived by spending Rs. 30,000 or more on your card.